Учебник Upper Intermediate Business

Категория: бизнес-английский автор (author): Adrian Wallwork издательство (publisher): год (year): 2005 язык (language): английский (english) формат (format): PDF, Mp3 Описание: Business Options - заключительная часть популярного Оксфордского курса бизнес - английского. Много внимания уделяется изучению собственно английского языка на материале тем по современному бизнесу. Уровень: Upper-Intermediate - Advanced Кол-во часов на один уровень: 100-120 В архиве - inside archive:. Учебник - Business Options Student's book.

  1. Учебник Upper Intermediate Business School
  2. Учебник The Business Upper Intermediate
Учебник upper intermediate businesses

Учебник Upper Intermediate Business School


Аудио к учебнику 2 диска - Business Options Student's book audio 2 CD`s. Рабочая тетрадь - Business Options Workbook Business options is a book of Business English. It is mostly suitable for upper-intermediate or advanced learners. Business Options is an upper-intermediate level course for professional people from all areas of business. It follows the communicative, functional approach which is a hallmark of Oxford business courses, and extends this with development of business skills appropriate to the needs of upper-intermediate students. The course is structured around fourteen theme-based units such as Performance and Trade, which focus on real business situations, both formally inside the workplace and informally on social occasions.


Учебник The Business Upper Intermediate

A strong feature of the material is its attention to social and cultural awareness, often the most difficult area for students at this level. Key features of the course: - Each of the 14 units is based around a broad theme, such as Performance, Trade, and Negotiating, as a means to focus on real business situations. These include formal scenarios inside the workplace as well as social exchanges. The units can be used in any order to give maximum flexibility and to match the specific requirements and availability of students. Each unit has five sections: 'Did you know?' Gives interesting facts as a lead-in to the unit; 'Language Work' gives appropriate language practice; 'Business Skills', helps students develop the skills to deal with real-life business situations; 'Meetings' provides practice in participating in meetings; and 'Table Talk' gives practice in social conversation.

The emphasis in the Student's Book is on developing listening and speaking skills. A wide variety of speech production tasks help students to sound confident and thus communicate more effectively. Grammar is approached inductively.

Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English. Смотрите также учебники. Oxford - New English File - Upper-Intermediate Oxford - New English File - Advanced. Раздел: Учебники / Коммуникативные. «Business Result Upper-Intermediate» - современный курс английского языка с деловым уклоном. Курс состоит из: учебника для преподавателя, обеспечивающий оптимальный объем подачи информации. Содержание учебника уровня Upper-intermediate. Учебника уровня Upper. Хороший учебник Business.

The grammar sections invite students to analyse their knowledge of structures and develop an awareness of language patterns. The analysis is followed by one or more exercises to place the structure in a business context. A clear grammar summary is provided at the back of the Student's Book. Authentic reading and listening material from around the world is used to explore different approaches to business and to develop social and cultural awareness, one of the most difficult areas for students at this level. The 'Table Talk' sections encourage students to develop conversational skills on topics unrelated to their work, such as the family and leisure activities.

This section includes improvised conversations between native and non-native speakers on cassette, helping students to cope with the hesitations, interruptions and deviations of natural speech. Все курсы серии на нашем сайте:. Business Objectives. Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с Ставьте лайки, рассказывайте друзьям, ищите нас в сетях: Like and Repost, please. Find Me in Social Networks.